Installation Guide for ErwinJr2

The software is based on Python (>=3.6). For the Python distributions, it is recommended to use Anaconda for Windows, and homebrew installed Python3 for macOS. On this page, the python command may be python3 depending on your platform.

Simple Installation

In most cases you can have the software out-of-box from pip, assuming you already have python installed. First to make sure you have the latest pip installed:

python -m pip install pip --upgrade

Then install ErwinJr2 by:

python -m pip install ErwinJr2

Now you can start the software via


or if you want to, you can create a shortcut on the desktop via


For reasonably new versions of Windows or macOS with x86_64 CPU, the compiled library is provided via pip installation. For Linux or other platforms, it should be compiled automatically if gcc and make are available (which is the case for almost all Linux distributions). Otherwise, if the compiled library may not work, you may see C library is not compiled. Features are limited. when starting the software from the command line.

If you are a developer and want to compile the software locally, the following is a beginner’s guide. The software is available as source code in Github: . You can directly download as a zip file, or using git clone to clone the repository, which helps to get further updates.

Run the software

After installation, you can start the software by ErwinJr command or

python -m ErwinJr2

To create a shortcut on the desktop, run


The following is for advanced users and developers, or for debugging if the installation fails.

Prepare the environment

The software uses setuptools for installation. Make sure you have the latest version of setuptools installed:

python -m pip install setuptools, wheel --upgrade

If you are not installing the software on a remote server, you may also want to install PyQt5 for GUI support:

python -m pip install pyqt5

The software requires some compiled components for best performance. The default compiler depends on GNU gcc and make, and optionally openMP. This compiling environment depends on the Operating System.


For Windows, the support for GNU compilers may not be easy, but we can use Visual Studio instead. To do so, set the MSBUILD environment variable to the corresponding directory for example:

set MSBUILD=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe

Note that the C:\Program Files (x86)\... path depends on where you install Visual Studio on your computer (See more in MSBuild). With the environment variable, the following command should be able to call Visual Studio for the compilation.

python install


If you haven’t installed xcode, run the following command:

xcode-select —-install

It is recommended to have openMP installed for the best performance. For macOS specifically, the default gcc is an alias to the native clang, which does not support openMP. We recommend install via homebrew for gcc before install

brew install gcc

and use gcc as the compiler by

CC=gcc-10 python install

where gcc-10 is the current latest version by depending on your install it may be another number (like gcc-11).


By default most Linux distributions have necessary dev-tools installed, but openMP is not necessarily so. If you are using Linux I’m sure you will be able to install packages via corresponding package management tools :)

To install the software, at the code directory, run

python install

If you don’t have full control of your system, add --user by the end to install the software in the user directory.

Run the software without installation

Sometimes you may want to run the software without installing it to the Python package directory, especially if you want to change the source code. You can manually build the C library by

cd [PATH_TO_THE_CODE]/ErwinJr2/OneDQuantum
make MP

And run the software via


The installation is basically moving the code set to the Python install path, so without installation the PYTHONPATH environment variable is required to manually add the path to the code so Python can import it.

Build local documentation

The software will look for this online document. but if you want to build your local version, you need doxygen and:

cd docs
python -m install -r requirements.txt
make html