OptStrata module

This module contains MaxwellLayer and OptStrata classes. The physics model can be seen in Optics tab

MaxwellLayer is a transfer matrix solver for 1D optical stabs, OptStrata is a wrapper of MaxwellLayer with material information coded.

OptStrata class

class ErwinJr2.OptStrata.OptStrata(wl=3.0, materials=['Air', 'InP'], moleFracs=None, dopings=None, Ls=[1.0, 1.0], mobilities=None, cstmIndx={}, cstmPrd={}, cstmGain={})

Class for groups of stratum, a wrapper of MaxwellLayer with material parsing support

  • wl (float) – Wavelength in vacuum to guide in the stratum

  • materials (list(str)) – Name of the material for each strata, with materials[0] being the top (usually air) and materials[-1] the substrate.

  • moleFracs (list(float)) – Mole fractions for each material. The number should be between 0 and 1. For strata that the parameter is not applicable, the number doesn’t influence the result.

  • dopings (list(float)) – The doping level in unit 1E17 cm^-3 for the material. For strata that the parameter is not applicable, the number doesn’t influence the result.

  • Ls (list(float)) – Thickness of stratum, same unit as wl. The first and last elements are for top and substrate and is not used for calculation

  • mobilities (None or list(float)) – Mobility influence the relaxation rate for plasmon resonance. When it’s None, it is assumed to have 1E13 s^1 relaxation.

  • cstmIdx (dict) – A dictionary of customized material, with key the name and value the complex refractive index

  • cstmPrd (dict) – A dictionary of customized material, with key the name and value a list of two elements, 0-th being the period length (float in unit Angstrom) and 1-st (int) being the number of periods. If the 0-th value is 0 or not key not exists, it’s not a periodic structure. The variable is only for book keeping and is not used to validate Ls within the class

  • cstmGain (dict) – A dictionary of customized material, with key the name and value the gain coefficient. The variable is only for book keeping and is not used for any calculation.

confinementy(beta, xs=None, Ey=None)

Return the confinement factor corresponds to mode with effective refractive index beta. If xs and Ey is None, they will be generated. The active region is labelled by anything start with “Active”.

  • beta (complex) – The refractive index of the mode to calculate

  • xs (np.ndarray) – The array for positions: controls the accuracy of the numerical integral for confinement factor calculation

  • Ey (np.ndarray(complex)) – The field to integral on


Delete the strata indexed with row (top air and bottom substrate included)


Return the refractive of the strata indexed with n (top air and bottom substrate included). The result is a combination of linear interpolation of mole fraction and plasmonic loss by Drude model

insert(row, material=None, moleFrac=None, doping=None, L=None, mobility=None)

Insert a strata indexed with row (top air and bottom substrate included) with parameters listed

populateMtrl(xs, mtrlList=None)

Populate a boolean array for index slicing on xs for material in the mtrlList. If mtrlList is None, the active region is labelled by anything start with “Active”.

  • mtrlList (list(str) or tuple(str)) – name of materials to be labeled

  • xs (np.ndarray) – The position coordinate to label material


list(np.ndarray(bool)) – list of slicing indices to label materials


Update indices information according to material info

  • indices (list(complex)) – complex refractive index of the stratum

  • index0 (complex) – Refractive index of the top (before Ls[0]) strata

  • indexS (complex) – refractive index of the substrate (after Ls[-1])

MaxwellLayer class

class ErwinJr2.OptStrata.MaxwellLayer(wl, Ls=[1.0, 3.0], allIndex=[1.0, 1.0])

Class for layer structure for Maxwell solver using transfer matrix method.

This is used as the base class of OptStrata for separation of material property and the solver.

  • wl (float) – Wavelength in vacuum to guide in the stratum

  • indices (numpy.ndarray) – The Refractive indices of the layers except for the top and the substrate. The substrate and the top layer is not part of the list because they decides the boundary condition for the solver.

  • index0 (complex) – The refractive index for the top layer

  • indexS (complex) – The refractive index for the substrate layer

  • Ls (List[complex]) – Thickness of the stratum, same unit as wl. The first and last elements are for top and substrate and is not used for calculation


Solve for TM bounded mode near beta

Solve for TM bounded mode near beta (as first guess in root finding) with frequency \(\omega = c/\text{wl}\) on the stratum structure described with the thickness and index list; top/substrate defined by index0 and indexS. wl and Ls should be same unit


beta (complex) – The effective refractive index traveling along z (initial guess)

Return type



complex – the effective refractive index for bounded mode


Exception: – The solver doesn’t converge. Most likely a bounded mode doesn’t exist.


Modal-dispersion function for TM wave

Calculate the with modal-dispersion function for TM wave with frequency \(\omega = c/\text{wl}\) on the stratum structure described with the thickness and index list; top/substrate defined by index and index. wl and Ls should be same unit


beta (complex) – The normalized wavenumber along z. \(k_z = 2\pi/\lambda*\beta\)

Return type



complex – The modal-dispersion function

confinementy(beta, actives, xs=None, Ey=None)

Return the confinement factor corresponds to mode with effective refractive index beta. Assuming active only couple to E_y filed. The active region is defined in actives. If xs and Ey is None, they will be generated.

  • beta (complex) – The refractive index of the mode to calculate

  • actives (list(np.ndarray(bool))) – The list of active region for confinement factor

  • xs (np.ndarray) – The array for positions: controls the accuracy of the numerical integral for confinement factor calculation

  • Ey (np.ndarray(complex)) – The field to integral on

Return type



float – The confinement factor of the structure


Generate indices position array xs


xs (np.ndarray) – The position coordinate to calculate field on

Return type



np.ndarray – refractive indices of the material at position xs

populateMode(beta, xs)

Generate TM modes (field) on position array xs

Generate TM modes (field) on position array xs, assuming beta is a bounded Mode (i.e. return value of boundModeTM()) return Ey, Hx, Ez, normalized to max(abs(Ey)) = 1; unit of Hx is \(([\text{nit of beta}]\times \sqrt{\mu_0/\epsilon_0})^-1\)

  • beta (complex) – The effective refractive index traveling along z

  • xs (np.ndarray) – The position coordinate to calculate field on

Return type



  • np.ndarray – E field perpendicular to layers and propagation

  • np.ndarray – H field parallel to layers and perpendicular to propagation

  • np.ndarray – E field in propagation


Transfer matrix for TM wave

Calculate the transfer matrix for TM wave with frequency \(\omega = c/\text{wl}\) on the stratum structure described with the thickness and index list. wl and Ls should be same unit


beta (complex) – The normalized wavenumber along z. \(k_z = 2\pi/\lambda *\beta\)

Return type



np.ndarray – A 2*2 matrix, the transfer matrix from substrate to top


class ErwinJr2.OptStrata.MaxwellLayer_anisotropic(wl, Ls=[1.0, 1.0], indexz=[1.0, 1.0], indexy=None)

Bases: ErwinJr2.OptStrata.MaxwellLayer

class for anisotropic Maxwell layers, cannot deal with anisotropy for top air and bottom substrate.


Generate indices position array xs


xs (np.ndarray) – The position coordinate to calculate field on


np.ndarray – refractive indices of the material at position xs

ErwinJr2.OptStrata.optimizeOptStrata(stratum, alphaM, toOptimize, maxLength, iter=20, tol=0.05)

Optimize strata with threshold gain as the minimize objective function g_th = (alphaM + alphaW)/confinement, where the waveguide loss alphaW and the confinement factor is a character of strata. The optimization is done on layer indexed by elements in toOptimize, and conditioned on total length to be smaller than maxLength. Newton’s method with an increasing penalty is used.

Return type



float (The optimized threshold gain in cm^-1)



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