
The current version is written by Ming Lyu from Princeton University, Gmachl Group, as part of his PhD thesis work.

We would also like to give our appreciation for the contribution from Kevin Oresick (University of Wisconsin).

Version 1.0 and earlier

The author contributions:

  • Ming Lyu (CareF): structure design, C prototype, GUI and general integration

  • Yaofeng (Desmond) Zhong: Python module, documentation and profiling

  • Xiaowen Chen: C lib testing, physics modeling review/documentation and advanced feature in C code

Sara Kacmoli, Yasin Kaya, Hao Deng also provide ideas about improving the software.

ErwinJr before ErwinJr2

The early versions of the software started as a quantum well eigen-solver using the shooting algorithm, developed with QBASIC at Bell Labs in the early 1990s. Ref.~cite{PhysRevB.50.8663} is one of the early works with the solver. It was then translated into C with some modern modifications at Princeton in the 2000s by Dr. Daniel Wasserman, when the name ErwinJr was introduced. Later it was improved by Dr. Kale Franz who implemented an early version of the GUI software with Python2 and Qwt as the plotting library, as well as a MATLAB-based version. It was then collaboratively improved by Dr. Yu Song.